drop that
older drive!
  with the NEW
you can use 
both your older
 1.44 mb floppies 
and the
NEW 120 mb 
in the SAME 
3.5" Drive !!
One Drive
Works with
Both Types!!

THE NEW 3.5"


Ms. Floppy
Mr. SuperDisk:
  LIFE !!
FOREVER END THOSE "Insufficient Disk Space" MESSAGES!

SuperDisk� is the only high-capacity, removable data storage solution that saves up to 120mb per diskette. Plus, the SuperDisk Drive accepts normal 1.44mb floppies for unprecedented compatibility. American Computer is now offering the SuperDisk on ALL American Computer Company products.    

So, you can save a little on regular floppy diskettes. Or, save a lot on a 120MB SuperDisk diskette. In fact, you can save the world as you store large files�like Internet downloads, PowerPoint presentations and multimedia�quickly and easily.    

ACC is offering the IMATION SuperDisk / LS-120 Technology "Across the Board", in all of its PCs: the Eagle, the Panther, the Anaconda, the Jaguar, the Apollo, in its 1998 Tiger-Pad Pentium/MMX Laptops and in its newest lines: the Pantera 2  Laptop (supporting INTEL's NEW Mobile Pentium II CPUs) and the Pantera 442 Personal Computers and Servers based on the newest "INTEL 440BX" Technology,  supporting 100 MHz Bus, 100 MHz SD-RAM and INTEL PENTIUM II 350 & 400 MHz  CPUs.    

The SuperDisk makes an excellent alternative for short backups, and as a compact,  fast storage solution for Transportation of Images, Word Processsing Documents, and Moderate to Large Databases, it is unparalleled.    

With the Acceleration provided by IMATION's new SuperDisk Driver Suite, the fast  performance of the SuperDisk outpaces Zip Drives by a large margin. Coupled with  its ability to accept your older 3.5" 1.44MB Floppies, SuperDisk both enhances your ability to use your PC, and it extends the life of your past investment in software.    

The SuperDisk is truly: "The Cure for the Common Floppy" !! 

To order your new ACC PC with SuperDisk, just call: 800-850-7710 !! 


(c) Copyright 1998 American Computer Company.  All Rights Reserved
"SuperDisk", "SuperDisk Driven" and "Save a a the world" are TradeMarks of Imation Enterprises Corporation.
"Friends for Life", "The Cure for the Common Floppy" and "The Compatible One" are Usemarks of American Computer.